Photo Shoot Unedited! May 18 2016, 1 Comment

You know that beautiful sunset scene, the baby smile or freshly baked bread just out of the oven….that you want to take that perfect picture of. 

You get your camera on your phone out.  You line up the screen with your perfect object.  You push the ‘take my photo’ button.  You smile.  Then you look at the picture on your phone and it looks nothing, and I mean nothing, like the beauty you see in your sunset or freshly baked bread.

That is all changing for me!  Enough is enough!  I want to take GREAT photos with my iphone.  I know the importance of what a great photo can do for our Tempest in a Teapot website.  I also know the cost of hiring a photographer to take all the pictures necessary to enhance our website.  As much as I would have loved to do that, as a new business we are not in that position yet.

So what now?  I write on my vision board – Great Photos…..and wait.

My friend Dotti and I go on the Rockland Friday night Art Walk.  Bingo!  As we are touring the new Art Loft, which offer art classes of all kinds, I see the still life photos by Karen Olson (Renuko Style).  Dotti looks at me and says, which I already knew, “There is your photographer.”  And guess what?  She teaches classes!

Monday morning, the talented, published and inspiring photographer Karen Olsen spent the morning with me. 

She arrived promptly at 9:00am at my home.  She asked me to have some photo props ready.  I had our black tea blend, mint tea blend, our new yummy ginger fusion tea blend, tea ingredients, tea pots, tea cups….my kitchen table was full of props and my phone in my hand ready to take photos.

With notebook and pen in hand, I listened and learned.  She gently guided me through the differences of direct on shots, top down shots and human in the photo shots.  I learned about lighting – using the sunlight from the window or shading by blocking out the sun. I learned about shallow pictures and depth of field. 

We started to rearrange my living room with tables near the window, cloth draped over and positioned.  Did you know that flowy material is sexy?  That was new to me – I loved it!

We arranged the tea, spoons and cups.  We take our time to arrange the setting.  We add things – nope not right.  We take other items away – nope not right.  We move some material around – beautiful.  We are ready – the setting is ready.  It feels right.

We start to take pictures, her with camera and I with my phone begin.  Photos of all angles – direct on, overhead, standing on a chair over the setting, from sitting in a chair to keep the camera still…you name the angle, I took a picture from that angle!!

We moved the objects slightly, and took all those angles again.  It was fascinating and exciting.  I didn’t want this time to ever end.

We moved into the kitchen.  We worked off an old wooden table that I picked up at the Salvation Army a while ago for $25 and talked about that good find.  I use it as an island in the kitchen for additional baking space.  It has great bones and strong wood grains.  Today it works wonderful with the earthy tea feel.  At one point, we are out in the yard clipping trees and scrubs for the photos.

After two hours, we sit at the kitchen table with Karen’s computer and she brings up some of the photos.  I stop breathing.  My heart fills.  My eyes water.  These are the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen.  She used the word ‘artfulness’ – yes artfulness.  

I want to reach out and touch her.  She, Karen Olson, has inspired me.  She has increased my consciousness of beauty.  She has changed the course of our business and me.  For fear of scaring her off, I just say almost in a whisper, “That is the most beautiful picture ever.”

We part after three hours of being together.  I will do set ups and take tons more photos.  She will be back for the next round – Editing the photos.